Loppet Timetable from the Proposed M O U

The following e-mails between Scott Wylie of Friends of the Theodore Wirth Par 3 and Assistant Superintendent Bruce Chamberlain are posted here with Mr. Wylie’s permission. The timeline chart mentioned in these e-mails is attached.

From Scott Wylie to Bruce Chamberlain, May 13, 2013:

Dear Mr. Chamberlain,

Please forgive me for neglecting to send you a timeline that I put together for the Loppet MOU. You may have noticed Commissioner Young referring to it during the May 1 committee discussion. I have attached a copy. You may find it useful in better understanding the very large number of deadlines contained in the latest version of the Loppet MOU.

The timeline shows demolition of the Par 3 clubhouse long before a replacement facility will be available. The reason for this appears to be the 6/30/15 expiration date of the 2011 Grant. You have stated that your intent has always been to not remove the Par 3 building until a replacement facility is available.

The MOU document contains the following language:

Section IV. Construction

Demolition. Demolition of the Park’s current Par-3 building will occur only if the Foundation succeeds in raising the $3 Million to cover the costs of construction of the Building and donates that amount to the Park Board. The demolition of the Par-3 building will occur as soon as practicable after the Park Board’s receipt of the Foundation’s donation.

I am hoping there is some way you could find it in your heart to amend the second sentence to read: “The demolition of the Par-3 building will not occur until a replacement facility is available for use.”

It would mean a lot if you could do this one small thing for golfers.

For the Friends of the Theodore Wirth Par 3,

Scott Wylie


From Bruce Chamberlain to Scott Wylie, May 22, 2003:

Park Board staff’s intention is to keep the current par-3 building in operation until the new building can be occupied. If we run up against the bonding deadline, we’ll have to use another funding source to demolish the building.

Bruce Chamberlain, ASLA

Assistant Superintendent for Planning


Parkwatch notes on the attached timeline:

–Roman numerals such as VI.B.1 under SOURCE refer to paragraphs in the proposed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between MPRB and the Loppet Foundation.

–X marks in the column headed SSC refer to items relating to the Silent Sports Center. X marks under WC refer to the Welcome Center. X marks under BACK 9 refer to proposed changes affecting the back 9 holes of the 18-hole golf course. X marks under PAR 3 refer to proposed changes in the Par 3 golf course.

Mr. Wylie prepared this timeline based on the version of the MOU that was discussed at the MPRB meeting of May 1, 2013.
