Crown Hydro–Friends of the Mississippi River motion for extension to FERC

Crown Hydro–Friends of the Mississippi River motion for extension to FERC

On 9/16/2016, the following Filing was submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), Washington D.C.:

Filer:   Friends of the Mississippi River
Friends of the Mississippi River (as Agent)

Docket(s):         P-11175-025

Filing Type:     Comment on Filing
Description:    Comment of Friends of the Mississippi River -Request on behalf of our members and other interested residents and community organizations for extension of time to review and submit comments on EA under P-11175.

To view the document for this Filing, click here:

NOTE: In addition to the above filing by  Friends of the Mississippi River, similar filings were submitted to FERC by the following organizations: Friends of the Riverfront, Minneapolis Parks Foundation, St. Anthony Falls Alliance, National Parks Conservation Association.