Minneapolis Park Watch

A Sorry Finish to an Unproductive Legislative Session

The following editorial by the Star Tribune Editorial Board was published on August 20, 2016.

A Sorry Finish to an Unproductive Legislative Session

Consider one more try for tax relief and a bonding bill.

The long, twisted tale of the 2015-16 Legislature apparently has come to a sorry but not unexpected end. Legislative leaders and Gov. Mark Dayton announced Thursday that they had reached no deal on Southwest light rail and, without it, there will be no special session to complete the year’s lawmaking work.

That means no tax relief, no building projects (bonding) bill, no new transportation funding — and no reason for confidence in the ability of this cast of lawmaking characters to produce a different result next year if they hold their seats in this fall’s election.

To continue reading, click on the link to the Star Tribunehttp://www.startribune.com/opinion/editorials/390755151.html