Minneapolis Park Watch

Insider Insights to Park Funding–Meeting at Walker Art Center on Tuesday

Insider Insights to Park Funding–Meeting at Walker Art Center on Tuesday

The following invitation is from Park Board Commissioner Anita Tabb.

Friends, Neighbors and Constituents,

I know that many of you are big supporters of our parks so I wanted to urge you to attend an upcoming meeting about the challenges being faced in Minneapolis and around the country.  Next Tuesday evening, we will be holding the Parks Public Forum at the Walker Art Center (invitation attached).  Park leaders from Seattle, Portland, New York City and Indianapolis will be speaking about their cities and the funding challenges and solutions that have been put in place in their cities.  This evening is an important part of the community conversations about the MPRB funding challenges for our neighborhood parks.  The event begins at 6:00 pm, with the panel discussion from 6 to 7:30 pm, and a social from 7:30-8 following the panel discussion.

I hope you will attend and be a part of this important discussion.  We welcome your perspectives!


9-29-2015 Invite