Minneapolis Park Watch

Want a safe SWLRT? Write City Council THIS WEEK

The following item was posted on Next Door by Sally Rousse of Bryn Mawr.

Want a safe SWLRT?  Write City Council THIS WEEK 

There’s still hope for a better, safer SWLRT: Write or call City Council members THIS WEEK.
I attending the hearing at City Hall this past week and even though the subcommittee voted (3 of 5) in favor of forwarding the project to the entire City Council for municipal consent vote, one former “yes” became an abstainer. If his vote could change to a full “no” and there are 3 more who switch to “no”, municipal consent will be denied. SWLRT needs full municipal support from all five cities along the corridor. Denying consent will send a message to the FTA and the legislature and Hennepin County that the dangers of co-locating crude-oil-carrying freight along the 1.5 mile pinch point within the vulnerable Chain of Lakes where there is already contaminated soil and dewatering predicted alongside LRT will not be tolerated. Today, yet another derailment and fire in South Dakota. (see article way below)

Please, take the time to write or call each and every one of the 13 council members NOW, before next friday, September 25th, when the final vote occurs. Even if all you say is “please deny municipal consent, vote no.”