Met Council Action of 5/27/2015 on Stadium Pedestrian Bridge

The following item is a Park Watch explanation of what occurred at the Met Council’s May 27 meeting.  This was the background for the subsequent arrangement for the Vikings to kick in additional funds for the bridge.

For the record and clarification, here is the Metropolitan Council Board action from May 27.  It clearly did not authorize any Met Council expenditures for the bridge – merely authorized negotiations and required any expenditure to be submitted later for approval.

“2015-76    Authorize the Regional Administrator to enter into a Construction and Transit Operations and Maintenance Interface Agreement with the Minnesota Sport Facilities Authority and the Minnesota Vikings related to the Downtown East Light Rail Station area surrounding block, and Proposed pedestrian bridge”

After discussion…
“Chavez made a motion to amend the motion on the floor by adding, ‘However, this resolution does not authorize the expenditure of money without further Council approval.’  Letofsky seconded.”

They voted and the motion carried.

(The item begins at the bottom of page 2 of the attached .pdf)
