Minneapolis Park Watch

MPRB’s Southside Service Area Master Plan

The following item is an explanation by Park Board Commissioner Scott Vreeland of the MPRB’s proposed Southside Service Area Master Plan.  This article was recently posted on mpls@forums.e-democracy.org
MPRB’s Southside Service Area Master Plan

The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board is  making a new plan for all the
parks south of downtown and east of I-35W. This  part of the park system is
called the South Service Area, and it features 33  park properties.

A Service Area Master Plan is a document that:

Takes a  complete look at all outdoor park assets: fields, playgrounds,
paths, etc.  (buildings are not included in this Master Plan, but will be
considered  system-wide at a later date).

Sets a vision for operations, management, and  improvements.

Creates improvement plans for each neighborhood park.

Sets priorities and estimates budgets.

Guides decisions on capital improvements,  land acquisition, and
development of new parks.

In essence, a Service Area  Master Plan shows what the parks will look like
in the future. It will allow  MPRB to plan realistically, openly,
creatively, and equitably, so that:

We  understand the resources we have
We can align what’s in the parks with what  people really want there.

In the next five years, MPRB plans to prepare  Service Area Master Plans
for all five service areas (South, Downtown,  Southwest, North, and
Northeast). The South and the Downtown master plans are  the first to be initiated.
Community Advisory Committee meetings  scheduled

Planning is underway to create these new park plans. The  Minneapolis Park
and Recreation Board (MPRB) has scheduled the first three  Community
Advisory Committee (CAC) meetings for the South Service Area Master  Plan.