Crown Hydro Update

On September 27, 2013 Crown Hydro submitted a letter to FERC.  The following is an introduction, written for Park Watch by Doug Verdier, to the letter submitted:


Counsel for Crown Hydro has submitted on Sept. 27, 2013 an update to FERC in which Crown asserts that they are planning to hold a joint public meeting sometime in mid-November to introduce the project and provide all interested parties an opportunity to submit comments. No date or location has been announced for this meeting as yet. I would encourage those concerned to attend if possible whenever the meeting is held to voice your opinions and/or concerns regarding the project. If unable to attend, comments can be sent to FERC directly as well as to Crown.

Crown claims that they are delaying submitting a revised schedule for filing the license amendment, as requested by FERC, until they have reviewed comments received in response to the joint public meeting.

Attached FYI is the letter from Crown to FERC.
