Coming Up At The Park Board


The following MPRB outline was compiled by Shawn FitzGerald from the 2nd Quarter goals progress report, “MPRB 2013 Goals & Performance Measures Report on Second Quarter Results”, attached to the August 21, 2013 Regular Meeting packet.

Aug. 30 2013: Conduct research to assess needs, review scholarship options and draft MRPB scholarship program. The draft will be written by 8/30/13.

Sep. 2013: Start Central Riverfront Mississippi Regional Community Engagement.

Sep. 15, 2013: Grant/Donation Committee to Develop and define MPRB donation strategies and goals for 2013-2014.

Oct. 2013: Draft Above the Falls Plan presented.

October 16, 2013: Presentation of Supt. budget

Oct. 13, 2013: Grant/Donation Committee to Develop donation program policies and procedures including recognition guidelines in collaboration with MPRB divisions and departments.

Oct. 1, 2013: Complete draft format and table of contents for full spectrum performance standards recognizing that only lighting and building sustainability will be completed in 2013. Present to the Board for feedback.

Oct. 2, 2013: Draft Urban Ag plan presented to Board

Oct. 15, 2013: Complete the Urban Ag community outreach for the plan that will provide a baseline understanding of community needs and develop communications plan for the project

Nov. 20, 2013: Final Urban Ag Plan presented to Board

Nov. 30, 2013: Grant/Donation Committee to Develop and execute implementation plan for the new policies and procedures including timeline and staff training.

Nov. 30, 2013: Develop cost-benefit analysis for purchasing or leasing the golf course equipment fleet. Review results of analyses with Finance Department and present report and recommendation to MPRB leadership team.

Late Fall: Development of Recreation Facilities Assessment will begin in late fall of 2013

Dec. 1, 2013: Create draft standards for outdoor lighting and building sustainability and present to Board for feedback.

Dec. 18, 2013: Completion of draft skatepark plan

Dec. 31, 2013: Audit of social media, MPRB website, and external communications presented.

Dec. 31, 2013: Present to the MPRB Leadership team a 10-year capital improvement, customer service and program offering plan based on community engagement for golf operations and allow for comments. Revise plan based on MPRB Leadership team comments, present to the Board and include in the 2014 Recommended Superintendent’s Budget for Board approval.