The following article by David Brauer appeared in the October 1, 2009, edition of MinnPost

On Monday, I criticized a downsized Star Tribune editorial staff for crossing off certain races from their endorsement roster merely because an incumbent was running.

Today, I got word that one race I highlighted will get vetted after all. Minneapolis Park District 5, which features incumbent Carol Kummer verses 2005 runner-up Jason Stone and three other challengers, is now on the list, according to communications from the editorial board.

On Monday, the Strib’s editorial page editor Scott Gillespie declined to discuss plans with a competitor. Three days later, Michael Guest, who is challenging incumbent Jon Olson in Minneapolis Park District 2, said editorial writer Denise Johnson emailed to say the board added the Kummer-Stone race — though not Guest’s contest.

The email also said the Ward 5 City Council seat now held by DFLer Don Samuels was added. Samuels faces four challengers, including former Councilmember Natalie Johnson-Lee and Kenya McKnight.

The Olson-Guest race also merits review, but as I wrote earlier, I appreciate the staff limitations editorialists are up against. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one urging them to use a more sophisticated filter than “open seat only,” but I appreciate them listening, and stretching.